Identification of sarcoma predisposition.

Three weeks into 2023, the stellar team at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Omico and UNSW, led by Professor(s) Mandy Ballinger and David Thomas today released scientific findings on the identification of genes and pathways associated with sarcoma predisposition.

The study has identified several new important genes that can cause sarcoma, and the implications of this research are far reaching for those living with sarcoma and their families, allowing detection of the cancer earlier and the potential for improved survival for those diagnosed with this sinister cancer.

The study has found a gene carried by one in 14 individuals diagnosed with sarcoma, which explains why the cancer emerges. In addition, the research team identified a previously unrecognised genetic pathway specific to sarcomas.

Professor Ballinger said today “Further understanding of the heritable genetic drivers will eventually lead to better outcomes for families impacted by sarcoma.”

The research was made possible by the dedication and hard work of those involved, and the support of funding partners

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