It all started with the CRBF Sarcoma Awareness Video…

Geovanna Pazmino, Lead Solution Engineer (Non-Profit)| Salesforce shared the video with colleagues who knew Celso and one of them, Jason Ghasson responded by asking what they could do to help?  After brainstorming a few ideas, they quickly realised that a target of raising $10,000 would be hard to achieve alone. This is where the group grew from 2 to 5 with Selin Ozdemir Hatcher, Lorenzo Demos ,and Judy Fang joining forces!

In a matter of days and with regular WhatsApp calls during lunch and after hours, the wheels were well in motion. Each of them reached out to different people in the organisation to get support and to encourage managers to spread the word in their team meetings. The response was immediate. People generously donated, with over $2,500 raised in the first few days. To amplify the message further, members of the engineering team created graphics for Zoom call backgrounds – just one of the many creative ideas used to drive awareness and raise funds as Sydney and Melbourne went into lockdown.

Many ideas were brainstormed (including possibly shaving someone’s head) and one that proved to be a great success was running 2 virtual exercise sessions: Zumba and Yoga. These sessions would help people stay active during the lockdown and keep their minds off of all of the crazy news that was going on.

How do we ever thank the team at Salesforce for their generosity of spirit?