Meet the remarkable Brendon Onorato.

Brendon Onorato is the father of two boys, married to the love of his life, Luisa, and has an enormous love for his parents and twin brother.  In Brendon April of 2015, Brendon was diagnosed with myxoid liposarcoma

Brendon first noticed a lump on his thigh which was getting larger. After visiting a GP on 2nd of March 2015 and undergoing an ultrasound and MRI scan, Brendon learned that a mass in between the skin and fatty tissue had been discovered. A referral to a specialist on 24 March 2015, confirmed it was a tumour that would have to be removed with surgery.

Brendon was admitted for surgery on 1st April 2015, at the Royal Prince Alfred hospital.   Surgery lasted for just over two-and-a-half-hours with the surgeon removing the 10cm tumour.  Spending the next three days in hospital Brendon was then forced to wait 18 days for the pathology to confirm a diagnosis of  a myxoid liposarcoma, a rare type of soft-tissue cancer that occurs in approximately one in 100,000 people.

After further MRI and CT scans, Brendon was referred to an oncologist to commence radiation treatment starting on 1st  June 2015.

The 11th  September 2015 was one of the most important days for Bendon and his family, receiving the all-clear post-surgery and treatment.

Brendon underwent a PET and CT scan every three months for a two year period to monitor reoccurrence, and recently after being cancer free for six years, Brendon and his family were given the devastating news that his cancer had returned.

Brendon has devoted his time over many years to raising awareness of cancer symptoms in men in particular, who often ignore their health, and subsequently what could be very important early symptoms.

This is a man who has devoted so much to the community over the time he was cancer free, and now it is his turn while he fights yet another savage battle with myxoid liposarcoma.

To assist the family a Go Fund Me page has been set up by a very dear and close family friend, Stephanie Pletikosa.

With Father’s Day two days away, we would ask you to consider donating as little or as much as you can, to provide some relief to this young family, of the ongoing day to day costs of living, and more importantly, to allow them to focus on Brendon, and his treatment and recovery.

Please press on the link below: